Running our code from Cygwin

For Windows users, an easy way to get our homework build pipeline working is to install Cygwin, and then use the make commands we provide to build and push your programs. So let's look at how you can do this!

The Cygwin install page is here . When you do the install, you should choose to install the following packages:

(You may install as many additional packages as you want, but those are sufficient.)

You will then find a directory names something like cygwin64 on your C: drive. You can then open that, and find a home directory, and in that, a directory with your user name. You should cd into that directory. Once there, you should clone you StudentOOP repo... run:

            git clone your_repoURL.git

"your_repoURL.git" is not what you literally type in! We mean put in the URL of your StudentOOP repo! You can copy that from GitHub using the green "Clone or download" button.

That should create a new directory (folder) called StudentOOP. You can the cd into that, and then run:

            make prod