This file has code illustrating the use of a simple functor that does a sine calculations, as well as a more complex functors that memo-izes a recursive Fibonacci calculation.
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
Sin is a trivial functor for calculating the sine of an angle:
class Sin {
double operator()(double n) {
return sin(n);
Fib is a more significant functor: it takes a recursive Fibonacci functions, which has exponential run time, and memo-izes it to achieve linear run time.
class Fib {
The constructor sets up the memo-ization by setting all values to NOT_CALCED.
Fib() {
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_FIB; i++)
memo[i] = NOT_CALCED;
The function call itself uses a stored value if present; it only performs the calculation if the memo value for the ith integer is NOT_CALCED.
double operator()(int n) {
if (memo[n] != NOT_CALCED) return memo[n];
int result = 0;
if (n <= 1) result = 1;
else result = (operator()(n - 1) + operator()(n - 2));
memo[n] = result;
return result;
const int MAX_FIB = 100;
const int NOT_CALCED = -1;
int* memo = new int[MAX_FIB];
main() simply contains the code to test the above functors:
int main() {
Sin sine = Sin();
double d = sine(1);
cout << "sin(1) == " << d << endl;
Fib fib = Fib();
int f = fib(40);
cout << "fib(40) == " << f << endl;