Experiments with memory, illustrating the use of memory operators and sizeof().
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
Let's look at the size of some data types:
bool b = true;
cout << "Size of a bool = " << sizeof(b) << endl;
char c = 'a';
cout << "Size of a char = " << sizeof(c) << endl;
int i = 28;
cout << "Size of an integer = " << sizeof(i) << endl;
double d = 2.71828;
cout << "Size of a double = " << sizeof(d) << endl;
Now let's deal with addresses and pointers:
cout << "Address of b = " << &b << endl;
bool* bptr = &b;
cout << "Value of bptr = " << bptr << endl;
// funkiness coming: `char *`s are C-style strings!
cout << "Address of c = " << &c << endl;
// actually get the address:
cout << "Address of c as void ptr = " << (void *) &c << endl;
// better C++ way to do this:
cout << "Address of c as static cast void ptr = "
<< static_cast<const void *> (&c) << endl;
cout << "Address of i = " << &i << endl;
int* iptr = &i;
cout << "Value of iptr = " << iptr << endl;
cout << "Address of d= " << &d << endl;
double* dptr = &d;
cout << "Value of dptr = " << dptr << endl;
Hmm, what is the size of a pointer? Is it different for different pointers?
cout << "Size of a bool ptr = " << sizeof(bptr) << endl;
cout << "Size of an integer ptr = " << sizeof(iptr) << endl;
cout << "Size of a double ptr = " << sizeof(dptr) << endl;
Seems like all pointers are the same size! Since C++ references are "really" a sort of pointer, this explains why, for large objects, it is much more efficient, for objects we don't want changed in a function, (if we want to change the object in a function it's clear we can't pass a copy!) to pass a constant reference than to pass a copy: the reference will be essentially an 8-byte address, while the copy might be a multi-gigabyte video segment. So, if we have pointer to some value, how do we get the value? We dereference the pointer.
cout << "Value pointed to by bptr = " << *bptr << endl;
cout << "Value pointed to by iptr = " << *iptr << endl;
cout << "Value pointed to by dptr = " << *dptr << endl;
All of what we have done so far has happened on the stack: all the memory allocation has happened automatically for us, performed by the compiler and C++ run-time system. But C++ allows as to also allocate memory ourselves, on the heap.
int* iptr2 = new int(7);
cout << "Value pointed to by iptr2 = " << *iptr2 << endl;
But note the address of this value, compared to the pointers set above:
cout << "The memory location held by iptr2 = " << iptr2 << endl;
This is because new allocates memory on the heap, not on the stack. Stack memory is automatically allocated by the run-time system, but with heap memory, you, the programmer, are in charge. For instance, with heap memory, you can control when it is freed, by calling delete:
delete iptr2;
You can (because the C++ approach is "if the programmer wants to try this, let them") de-reference that memory, but the result is undefined.
cout << "After delete, the value pointed to by iptr2 = "
<< *iptr2 << endl;
int* iptr3 = new int(14);
cout << "After new alloc, the value pointed to by iptr2 = "
<< *iptr2 << endl;
cout << "Value pointed to by iptr3 = " << *iptr3 << endl;
Finally, there is a special pointer value: nullptr.
int* iptr4 = nullptr;
if (!iptr4) cout << "iptr4 is null\n";