
<<<<<<< HEAD Directories or Folders are used by File Systems to keep track of files. Directories are files themselves.

Single-Level Directory Systems

In Single-Level Directory System, one directory contains all the files. This directory is sometimes called a root directory.

Hierarchical Directory Systems

When there are a large number of files, finding a single file in the directory would become very tough. Hence hierarchical directory systems are preferred when there are large number of files. This forms a tree of directories.

Path Names

When the file System is organized as a directory tree Path Names are used to specify the file names.

Most of the operating systems that support a hierarchical directory system have two special entries in every directory: "." and ".." pronounced as "dot" and "dotdot" respectively. Dot refers to the current directory; dotdot refers to its parent.

Directory Operations

Following are a set of system calls allowed for managing directories in UNIX-like operating systems.

Symbolic Link: A symbolic link is a link to another name in the file system. It can also be defined as the nickname for any file that contains a reference to another file or directory in the form of an absolute or relative path and that affects pathname resolution. Also called a soft link.

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