I/O devices can be roughly divided into two categories:
block devices and character devices.
Block Devices
It stores information in fixed-size blocks,
each one with its own address.
Common block sizes range from 512 to 65,536 bytes.
Examples are hard disks, Blu-ray discs, and
USB sticks.
Character Device
It delivers or accepts a stream of characters,
without regard to any block structure.
Not addressable and does not have any seek operation.
Examples are printers, network interfaces, mice,
and most other devices that are not disk-like
can be seen as character devices.
Doesn't Really Fit
Some devices don't fit into this division: For instance,
clocks aren't block addressable, nor do they accept
character streams. All they do is cause interrupts... at
timed intervals.
Memory-mapped screens do not fit this division either.
Device Controllers
The electronic component of I/O units is called the
device controller or adapter.
Operating systems use device drivers to handle all I/O devices.
There is a device controller and a device driver
for each device to communicate with the operating system.
A device controller may be able to handle multiple devices.
As an interface its main task is to convert serial
bit stream to block of bytes,
and perform error correction as necessary.
Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) Controller
Older version of monitors that were bulky,
power hungry and fragile!! CRT monitors fire a beam
of electrons onto a fluorescent screen.
Using magnetic fields, the system is able to bend the
beam and draw pixels on the screen.
The first "laptops" weighed about 12 kilos.
LCD Controller
This works as a bit serial device at low level.
It reads bytes containing the characters to be displayed from
memory and generates the signals to modify the polarization
of the backlight for the corresponding pixels in order
to write them on screen.
The presence of the controller means that the OS programmer does
not need to explicitly program the electrial field of the screen!
Memory-Mapped I/O
The controller has registers (similar to CPU registers, but for the
device) and the OS can write these registers to "give orders" to
the device (e.g., "shut down" or "accept data") or read its state
(e.g., "are you busy tonight?").
CPU interaction with the control registers and
device data buffers either through dedicated port
allocation or using device memory to map them all.
CPU can communicate with the control registers and
the device data buffers in three ways.
Seperate I/O and Memory Space:
Each control register is assigned an I/O port number.
We use special I/O instructions like:
IN and MOV are quite different instructions!
Memory Mapped I/O:
Same address space is shared by memory and I/O devices.
The device is connected directly to certain
main memory locations
so that I/O device can transfer block of data to/from memory
without going through CPU.
Memory-mapped data buffers and separate I/O ports
for the control registers. (Pentium)
Strengths of MM I/O:
Special I/O instructions require the OS to resort to
assembly code: IN and OUT cannot be executed in C or
Memory-mapped I/O allows C to simply write to memory.
Control registers are mapped to memory as well.
Weaknesses of MM I/O:
Memory-caching a device I/O register is disastrous.
We never detect when the device has changed state!
To fix this requires selective disabling of
All memory modules and all devices must examine
each memory reference to see if it is for them.
If there is a high-speed memory bus (as is typical
nowadays) then the I/O devices won't see the memory
addresses on the high-speed bus.
To fix this, we might send all requests to memory
and see if they fail, then send them to I/O
Or, we can "snoop" on memory requests and send
appropriate ones to I/O controllers. But they may
be slow!
Or we can assign some range of addresses as "not
real" memory. But these would not to be assigned at
boot time: no dynamic loading of devices!
(a) Single Bus Architecture
(b) Dual Bus Architecture
Direct Memory Access
To reduce the overhead of interrupts, DMA hardware
bypasses CPU to transfer data directly between I/O device and memory.
DMA module itself controls exchange of data between
main memory and the I/O device.
CPU is only involved at the beginning and end of
the transfer and interrupted only after entire block has been
rather than a byte at a time.
Direct Memory Access Controller
DMA controller (DMAC) manages the data transfers
and arbitrates access to the system bus.
It contains several registers that can be written and read by the CPU.
These include a memory address register, a byte count
register, and one or more control registers.
Working of DMA
First the CPU programs the DMA controller
by setting its registers so it knows what to transfer where
Alongside, DMAC issues a command to the disk controller
telling it to read data from the disk into its
internal buffer and verify the checksum.
When valid data are in the disk controller's buffer, DMA can begin.
The DMA controller initiates the transfer by issuing
a read request over the bus to the disk controller
The write to memory is another standard bus cycle
When the write is complete, the disk controller sends
an acknowledgement signal to the DMA controller, also over the bus
The DMA controller then increments the memory address to
use and decrements the byte count.
If the byte count is still greater than 0, steps 2
through 4 are repeated until the count reaches 0.
At that time, the DMA controller interrupts the CPU to
let it know that the transfer is now complete.
DMA controllers vary considerably in their sophistication.
The simplest ones handle one transfer at a time, whereas
sophisticated DMAC have multiple sets of registers
internally, one for each channel.
Word transfer may be set up to use a round-robin algorithm,
or it may have a priority scheme design to favor some devices over others.
Many buses can operate in two modes: word-at-a-time mode
and block mode.
Some DMA controllers can also operate in either mode.
In word-at-a-time mode, the DMA controller requests the
transfer of one word and gets it.
If the CPU also wants the bus, it has to wait.
The mechanism is called cycle stealing because
the device controller sneaks in and steals an occasional bus
cycle from the CPU once in a while, delaying it slightly.
In block mode, the DMA controller tells the device
to acquire the bus, issue a series of transfers, then release the bus.
This form of operation is called burst mode.
It is more efficient than cycle stealing because acquiring the
bus takes time and multiple words can be transferred
for the price of one bus acquisition.
The down side to burst mode is that it can block the CPU and
other devices for a substantial period if a long burst is being transferred.
Interrupts Revisited
When an I/O device has finished the work given to it,
it causes an interrupt by asserting a signal on a bus
line that it has been assigned, signals that are
detected by the interrupt controller chip.
If no other interrupts pending, the interrupt controller processes
the interrupt immediately.
If another interrupt is in progress or there is a simultaneous
request on a higher-priority interrupt request line which it
continues to assert until serviced by the CPU.
The controller puts a number on the address lines and
asserts a signal that interrupts the CPU.
This number is used as an index into a table called
the interrupt vector to start a corresponding
interrupt service procedure.
The service procedure in certain moment acknowledges the
interrupt by sending some value to some controller's
port which enables the controller to issue other interrupts.
Precise and Imprecise Interrupts
An interrupt that leaves the machine in a well-defined
state is called a precise interrupt (Walker and Cragon, 1995).
Such an interrupt has four properties:
The PC (Program Counter) is saved in a known place.
All instructions before the one pointed to by the PC have completed.
No instruction beyond the one pointed to by the PC has finished.
The execution state of the instruction pointed to by the PC is known.
An interrupt that does not meet these requirements is called
an imprecise interrupt and makes life most
unpleasant for the operating system writer, who now has
to figure out what has happened and what still has to happen.
Machines with imprecise interrupts typically vomit a large amount
of internal state onto the stack to give the OS a chance to figure
out what is up.
Imprecise interrupts allow more of the CPU real estate to be used
for cache, etc., but make the OS more complex.
DMA exists to permit
the fast transfer of data between a device and memory
the CPU to continue processing while data transfer occurs
the CPU to tell the controller where in memory to put incoming data
all of the above
The method of communicating between the processor and the I/O device in which the device sends a signal when it is ready is called
signal handling
A device that stores information in chunks of say 512 or 1024 bytes is called