Interprocess Communication


Three major issues:

  1. How do processes communicate at all? (They live in separate address spaces.)
  2. How can they avoid stepping on each other's toes?
  3. How to get the order right when processes depend upon each other? (E.g., one process produces data that another one uses to do calculations.)

Note: Two and three apply to threads just as much as to processes! Number one doesn't, since threads share memory.

Important point: "No perfect scheme is known." -- Wikipedia

Race Conditions

Picture a single-user bathroom with a door on its north side and a door on its south side. You want to enter by the north door, while someone else wants to enter by the south one. You both knock: no one answers.
So you both enter.
Oops! Embarrasment.

But in the case of processes, the result can be worse. Two processes check to see if there is a seat left on a flight to London. There is... one seat left. Both processes get told "Yes." And now they each assign the seat... to different passengers.
Oops! One of them is going to have to be given a lot of bonus miles to give up their seat.
And this can get even worse: imagine the code is determining if it is safe to place more uranium in the core of a nuclear power plant, and two processes both get told it is safe two put in one more unit... so they both put in one more unit... and we have a terrible disaster.
This is not a mere hypothetical... race conditions in the Therac-25 radiation therapy machine killed at least three people. The great Northeast blackout of 2003 was also caused by race conditions in software not being dealt with properly.

Areas affected by the blackout are in red.

Race conditions are made only more prevalent by multi-core CPUs, since more processes are actually running at once.

Critical Regions

Four conditions for a good "critical region" solution:

  1. No to processes may be simultaneously inside their critical regions.
  2. No assumptions made about speeds or the number of CPUs.
  3. No process running outside its critical region may block any process.
  4. No process should have to wait forever to enter its critical region.

Mutual Exclusion with Busy Waiting

Various possibilities for achieving mutual exclusion:

Disabling Interrupts

The CPU only switches among processes when an interrupt occurs. Therefore, if a process disables interrupts upon entering a critical region, there is no danger another process can interfere with what it is up to.

But what if a user process turns off interrupts, and never turns them on again? The system is now dead!
Also, on a multi-CPU system, disabling interrupts only affects one CPU: other CPUs can still access shared memory.

On the other hand, it may be useful for the kernel to disable interrupts: if it is updating a critical table, it may be important that no process can interrupt the update.
So: Disabling interrupts is OK inside the kernel, but is not a useful way for user processes to avoid race conditions.

Lock Variables

Let's go back to the bathroom example to understand the lock variable solution. This is like having the bathroom doors bear a little sign that says in use. The person who wants to use the restroom checks to see if the sign says "in use." If it does not, the person enters the room, And then sets the sign by locking both doors.

However, this does not solve the problem: both people can show up, one at the south door and one at the north door, both find the sign says "Vacant," and both enter the room.

Strict Alternation

Busy waiting: Continually testing some condition until it says "go ahead". Not very efficient.

Strict alternation violates condition three of our desired conditions above: is the turn of process X to enter its critical region, but it doesn't need to enter that region at the moment, it nevertheless blocks processes Y and Z entering their critical region.
Bathroom analogy: it is as though you can't go to the bathroom when it is someone else's turn, even if they don't need the bathroom!

A lock using busy waiting is called a spin lock.

Peterson's Solution

Peterson's ingenious solution is to combine the turn idea with the idea of "being interested": so you go to use the loo (British for restroom). You register that you are interested, and then set turn to you. Whoever sets turn last wins, and gets to go in. But if no one else is interested, you always get to "go."

The TSL Instruciton

This solution solves the race condition problem by creating a new, atomic instruction, TSL (test and set lock), that means a process checking to see if the bathroom is free can also set a lock on the door in an uninterruptible operation.

Crucial point: All solutions depending upon calls to enter_region and leave_region depend upon processes not cheating and simply entering their critical region without making the proper calls!

XCHG is a similar instruction, now available on Intel processors.

Sleep and Wakeup

A problem with Peterson, TCL, and XCHG: they all involve busy waiting.
Bathroom analogy: you stand at the bathroom door, repeatedly knocking once every microsecond.

This not only wastes CPU time, but can create priority inversion problems: a high-priority process is looping, waiting to enter its critical region, and a low- priority process is ready to leave its critical region. But the high-priority process never yields to the lower one, and so it loops forever!
Mars Pathfinder priority inversion problem

We can use a sleep and wakeup pair of calls to avoid busy waiting.

The Producer-Consumer Problem

The situation: Once process listens on a socket and produces stock quotes, putting them in a buffer. Another process consumes stock quotes, removing them from the buffer.

We can still get race conditions with these calls: the consumer could check the number of items in the buffer and finds it to be 0, but before it can go to sleep, the producer is scheduled, and begins filling the buffer. The producer repeatedly calls wakeup on the consumer, but the consumer has not gone to sleep! Finally, the producer fills the buffer, and goes to sleep. The consumer is activated, finds the buffer size (it held from long ago) is 0, and goes to sleep.
Everyone is asleep!

The soltion is to make the operations of checking the relevant variable, and then re-setting it or going to sleep, atomic.


The key to semaphores is that they are implemented as atomic operations at the OS level. That means that all of the operations in the semaphore complete as a unit, with no possibility of interruption.
Below is code for semaphores: if either up() or down() is entered, it is guaranteed to complete without interruption.

                    down(sem s) {
                        if (s > 0)
                            s = s - 1;
                            /* put the thread to sleep on event s */
                    up (sem s) {
                        if (one or more threads are waiting on s)
                            /* wake up one of the threads sleeping on s  */
                            s = s + 1;

(Code from:

Solving the Producer-Consumer Problem Using Semaphores

Here is the Tanenbaum-Bos code for solving the producer-consumer problem using semaphores:

                    #define N 100    /* number of slots in buffer */
                    typedef int sem; /* a special sort of int */
                    sem mutex = 1;   /* for mutual exclusion */
                    sem empty = N;   /* keep producer from over-producing */
                    sem full = 0;    /* keep consumer sleeping if nothing to consume */
                    void producer() {
                        int item;

                        while (TRUE) {
                            item = produce_item();  /* produce something */
                            down(&empty);           /* decrement empty count */
                            down(&mutex);           /* start critical section */
                            insert_item(item);      /* put item in buffer */
                            up(&mutex);             /* end critical section */
                            up(&full);              /* +1 full slot */

                    void consumer() {
                        int item;

                        while (TRUE) {
                            down(&full);            /* one less item */
                            down(&mutex);           /* start critical section */
                            remove_item(item);      /* get the item from the buffer */
                            up(&mutex);             /* end critical section */
                            up(&empty);             /* one more empty slot */
                            consume_item(item);     /* consume it */


A mutex is a binary semaphore, short for mutual exclusion.


Spin locks are OK if the wait is short, but bad if not.
So block the process!
But if there is little contention, this creates to many switches to kernel mode.

So, how about futexes: they are a Linux feature, short for "fast user space mutex." A thread grabs a lock, and if the lock is free, just proceeds with no kernel-mode switch. Only if the lock was not free it performs a system call to put the thread on the queue in the kernel.

Mutexes in Pthreads

Pthreads is short for POSIX threads, and they are implemented by a set of types, functions and constants in the C programming language. The standard supports mutexes, condition variables, and the possibility of busy waiting.


Monitors are a feature of a programming language created to make synchronization easier. Languages with monitors include Java, C#, Visual Basic, and Ada.

Below is code showing the use of monitors in Java: it is the synchronized keyword that creates the monitor.

                class producer_consumer {
                    private boolean item_ready = false;
                    public synchronized int produce_item() {
                        while (item_ready == true) {
                            try {
                                wait();    // block until signaled (notify)
                            } catch (InterruptedException e) { } // ignore
                        item_ready = true;
                        // generate the item
                        notify();    // signal the monitor
                        return item;
                    public synchronized void consume_item(int item) {
                        while (item_ready == false) {
                            try {
                                wait();    // block until notified
                            } catch (Interrupted Exception e) { } // ignore
                        // consume the item
                        item_ready = false;
                        notify();    // signal the monitor

(Code from:

Message Passing

Message passing uses system calls like:
send(destination, &message)
receive(source, &message)

The calls could block, or could return with an error code. The process might busy-wait.

Design Issues for Message-Passing Systems

Main isues:

The Producer-Consumer Problem with Message Passing

We use mailboxes as a buffer.

Or we could have no buffer, and block when there is no message, or until the message is received.


A barrier is a way to ensure, for example, that the repeated computation of a very large matrix, distributed across many processors, completely finishes iteration n before iteration n + 1 kicks off.

The idea is all processes need to reach the barrier before any go to the next phase.

Avoiding Locks: Read-Copy-Update

Usually we can't let multiple process "have at" a data structure at the same time. We can't have one process sort records while another averages them.

But sometimes it makes sense to let:
One writer; and
Multiple readers
access some data.

Readers get a copy of the data. The writer updates the data privately, then the new, "fixed up" version is put back in a single operation. Later readers only see the new version. No one sees an intermediate one.


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