Paging Implementation Issues
Resident Set Size
Resident Set Size defined how much of a process is in main memory
How much main memory do we give to a process i,e what should its resident set size be.
Replacement Scope
What is the set of potential replacements to choose from
If the assigned memory to every process is small, the probability
of the processor finding another ready process in main memory
If number of pages of a process in main memory are less, then
probability of page fault for that process will increase.
Adding memory to a process is not always useful, after a certain
point we need good page replacement algorithms and better
Could use fixed allocation determined at initial load time.
Variable allocation wins long term, as it balances the load by
allocating more frames to the processes that are faulting more often.
- Referred to Notes by Professor Daniel Katz. (previously professor of Operating Systems at NYU Tandon School of Engineering)