xv6 Installation Instructions
These are the toolchain installation instructions for all 3 OS Versions: Mac/Windows/Linux, use the appropiate one for you.
We have tried to make the instructions available natively on every OS, however as Operating Systems get upgrades, things invariably break.
NOTES (Please read first)
- If you are running Mac OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) or above you might have trouble installing, because of some OS changes. If you are adventurous, you might try this stackoverflow answer, otherwise use the Virtual Machine.
- If you are running Windows I mentioned that you could use the Linux Subsystem for Windows (LSW): this only works if you have the 64 bit version of Windows 10, if you don't, just use the Virtual Machine.
Also LSW is still beta so it will have some bugs.
- If you are using Mac/Windows and it's taking you a long time (more than 60 minutes) to get it sorted out you should strongly consider just using the Virtual Machine or come to office hours to see if we can help you.
Depending on the problem you might still have to use the Virtual Machine.
Virtual Machine Instructions
- Download VirtualBox from https://www.virtualbox.org/ and install.
Make sure to run the install program as an admin see this video if you need to understand what I mean.
- Download the Virtual Machine image (CS3224.ova) from NYU Classes
- Double click the .ova file.
Click Import and leave the defaults.
- Once the VM is imported turn it on and you are done.
- It might ask you for a password an it's cs3224
- Open the the VM and launch the command line.
Everything is installed already.
Linux Instructions
Windows Instructions
As mentioned before this will only work if you have 64bit windows 10.
Max OS X Instructions
Getting things setup on Mac OS X is a bit tricker.
It's sufficiently tricky that Prof.
Dolan-Gavitt created a shell script that should set things up for you.
Download the shell script: install_cross.sh.
You may have to use File->Save Page As in order to download it; on Safari, make sure to save as "Page Source" rather than "Web Archive".
Now, open up OS X's Terminal app (it's in the Utilities folder under Applications), and type the following to run it:
$ bash install_cross.sh
Note: Do not type the $ sign in the above command -- it's just there
to indicate you're typing something in at the command line prompt.
This will take a long time (roughly 30 minutes) and you will see lots of output.
At the end you should see: