Design and Analyis of Algorithms: Single Source Shortest Paths

24.0 Introduction

A shortest path (if it exists) can always be achieved cycle free:


Why the funny name for a move that "tightens up" the distance to v?
It is historical, coming from "relaxing" the triangle constraint on the distance between u and v.

                        Relax(u, v, w)
                            if v.d > u.d + w(u, v)
                                v.d = u.d + w(u, v)
                                v.pred = u

24.1 Bellman-Ford algorithm
Bellman-Ford videos
Bellman-Ford in 5 minutes
Bellman-Ford with a negative weight cycle
24.3 Dijkstra's Algorithm

Discovered by Edsger Dijkstra.

Dijkstra's algorithm running

1  function Dijkstra(Graph, source):
3      create vertex set Q
5      for each vertex v in Graph:     // Initialization
6          dist[v] = INFINITY      // Unknown distance from source to v
7          prev[v] = UNDEFINED     // Previous node in optimal path from source
8          add v to Q            // All nodes initially in Q (unvisited nodes)
10      dist[source] = 0           // Distance from source to source
12      while Q is not empty:
13          u = vertex in Q with min dist[u]  // Node with the least distance
14                                            // will be selected first
15          remove u from Q 
17          for each neighbor v of u:           // where v is still in Q.
18              alt = dist[u] + length(u, v)
19              if alt < dist[v]:      // A shorter path to v has been found
20                  dist[v] = alt 
21                  prev[v] = u 
23      return dist[], prev[] 

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For Further Study