Using the Quiz System


A run of the question entry system

Macintosh:algorithms gcallah$ ./
Enter chapter # for question: 4
Enter section # for question: 5
Enter question (blank to stop entering): Using master method (mm), the runtime
for T(n)=3T(n/2)+n2 is:
Enter correct answer (we will randomize for you!): Θ(n2)
Enter a wrong answer (blank to stop entering): Θ(n3/2)
Enter a wrong answer (blank to stop entering): n log n
Enter a wrong answer (blank to stop entering): MM does not apply
Enter a wrong answer (blank to stop entering):
Enter question (blank to stop entering): Using mm, the runtime for T(n) - 2n(n/2) + nn is:
Enter correct answer (we will randomize for you!): MM does not apply
Enter a wrong answer (blank to stop entering): Θ(2n)
Enter a wrong answer (blank to stop entering): Θ(nn)
Enter a wrong answer (blank to stop entering): Θ(n)
Enter a wrong answer (blank to stop entering):
Enter question (blank to stop entering):