
Declare an array and declare size of the array

Declare the minimum of the array

    nbrArray DW 25, 47, 15, 50, 32, 95 DUP (10)
    nbrElts DW 100
    nbrMin DW 33


Change any numbers less than min to min:

    mov eax, 0
    mov ebx, 0
    mov edx, 0
    mov ecx, [nbrElts]
forCount1: cmp ebx, ecx
           je endCount
body: cmp [ebx], [nbrMin]
      jge endIfSmall
      mov [ebx], [nbrMin]
endIfSmall: add eax, [ebx]
            inc ebx
            jmp forCount1
endCount: mov edx, eax