Indra is an agent-based modeling (ABM) system built using Python, Javascript, Awk, Bash, and YAML. The models are created in Python. Javascript (React) is used to create a web front-end to the models, and the other languages are used as development tools.
The ultimate goal is to simplify ABM creation so that a model can be specified in only a few lines of code, or by filling in a few parameters on a screen. To that end we are building a Web front-end that will allow non-coders to build models, while at the same time permitting coders to use Python for more flexibility in model creation. It will use our API Server to run the models. (The API server implements a restful interface.) Having the backend as an API server will permit complete flexibility in front-ends: anyone can use our agent engine on the server with whatever front-end they choose to build. permitting coders to use Python for more flexibility in model creation.
More on ABM here.
Source code documentation is here.
The name "Indra" was given to this project because its design was inspired
by the idea of Indra's