27. The C Programming Language

27.1 C and C++: siblings

27.1.1 C/C++ compatibility

27.1.2 C++ features missing from C

27.1.3 The C standard library

27.2 Functions

27.2.1 No function name overloading

27.2.2 Function argument type checking

27.2.3 Functiondefinitions

27.2.4 Calling C from C++ and C++ from C

27.2.5 Pointers to functions

27.3 Minor language differences

27.3.1 struct tag namespace

27.3.2 Keywords

27.3.3 Definitions

27.3.4 C-stylecasts

27.3.5 Conversion of void*

27.3.6 enum

27.3.7 Namespaces

27.4 Freestore

27.5 C-style strings

27.5.1 C-style strings and const

27.5.2 Byte operations

27.5.3 An example: strcpy()

27.5.4 A style issue

27.6 Input/output: stdio

27.6.1 Output

27.6.2 Input

27.6.3 Files

27.7 Constants and macros

27.8 Macros

27.8.1 Function-like macros

27.8.2 Syntax macros

27.8.3 Conditional compilation

27.9 An example: intrusive containers

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