How to install mypy on Mac

In this webpage we are going to show how to install mypy swiftly for Mac. To use mypy, You need Python 3.4 or later. You can have multiple Python versions (2.x and 3.x) installed on the same system without problems.

1.Check your python version

Run the following command in terminal.


This command should show your latest python version if you have python later than python3. If the system do not know this command or your python version is not later than Python 3.4, you need to install the newest python.

python version
My newest python version

As you can see that my python version is later than python-3.4, so I don't need to install another python. Otherwise you can find the latest python on Download for python.

2.Install mypy

As we already have Python 3.4 or later, we can install mypy by runing the following commond in terminal.

python3 -m pip install -U mypy

3.Check if you have installed mypy successfully

Now that you have installed the mypy, just run the mypy command. If it shows like down below, you have finish your mypy installation.

mypy installation
The command line can regonize mypy command now

If you meet any problem in your installation, please contact me by sending email to, it will help me to improve this installation guide.

For more information, follow the mypy blog .