Our Deployment Implementation

Steps to deploy the website on Amazon EC2 instances using puppet


We have used client/server architecture having one puppet master and one puppet agent.


  1. KeyPair - Login to Amazon AWS console. Go to Network and Security and create key pairs to login into EC2 instances from local machine.
  2. Security Group - Create Security Group to enable ports for http, ssh, tcp and icmp. This group will be associated with the EC2 instances.
  3. Launch EC2 Instances - Go to Instances and click on "Launch Instance". On the next screen select "Red Hat Enterprise Linux" image.

    Click "Configure Instance Details" and choose number of instances 2 (master and agent).

    Go to next and on Step 6: "Configure Security Group" select the security group created before and then launch the instances.
  4. Wait for the instance state change to running. Give names to instances (master, agent).
  5. Next connect to the instances using ssh following the steps in connect box as shown below

The puppet setup guide[2] was referenced for installing puppet on RHEL master and agent. The steps are described below:

Master Configuration

  1. Configure hostname for master node as:
    [root@master ~]# hostname master.devops.org
  2. Add entry for agent in hosts file of master:
    [root@master ~]# vi /etc/hosts
    ip-address-agent agent.devops.org agent
  3. Puppet can be installed from the yum.puppetlabs.com package repository using below command:
    [root@master ~]# yum -y install https://yum.puppetlabs.com/ puppetlabs-release-pc1-el-7.noarch.rpm
  4. Install puppet master server:
    [root@master ~]# yum -y install puppetserver
  5. Creating symbolic link to make puppet available on command line:
    [root@master ~]# ln -s /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet* /usr/local/bin/
  6. Generate CA certificate and the puppet master certificate with the appropriate DNS names:
    [root@master ~]# puppet master --no-daemonize --verbose
  7. Enable and start puppetservice on master:
    [root@master ~]# systemctl enable puppetserver
    [root@master ~]# systemctl start puppetserver

Agent Configuration

  1. Configure hostname for agent node as:
    [root@agent ~]# hostname agent.devops.org
  2. Add entry for master in hosts file of agent:
    [root@agent ~]# vi /etc/hosts ip-address-master master.devops.org master
  3. Install puppet on agent:
    [root@agent~]# yum -y install https://yum.puppetlabs.com/ puppetlabs-release-pc1-el-7.noarch.rpm
    [root@agent ~]# yum -y install puppet-agent
  4. Creating symbolic link to make puppet available on command line:
    [root@agent ~]# ln -s /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet* /usr/local/bin/
  5. Enable and start puppet on agent node:
    [root@client ~]# systemctl start puppet.service
    [root@client ~]# systemctl enable puppet.service


  1. Certificate request from agent:
    [root@agent ~]# puppet agent --test --ca_server=master.devops.org
  2. On the puppet master server view the certificates:
    [root@master ~]# puppet cert list
  3. On the puppet master server sign the certificate from agent:
    [root@master ~]# puppet cert sign agent.devops.org

Deploying website on agent

  1. Create manifests for setting up apache server on agent:
    Go to path "/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/ manifests" on master node and copy file apache.pp
  2. Create manifests for setting up git and continuous integration on agent:
    Go to path "/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/ manifests" on master node and copy file site.pp
  3. Install the puppet vcsrepo module for continuous delivery on master node:
    [root@master ~]# puppet module install puppetlabs-vcsrepo --version 2.3.0
  4. Configure the time interval for continuous delivery:
    Edit file "/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf" and add below lines of code on agent node -
    server = master.devops.org
    runinterval = 30
  5. Run the catalog to setup agent node:
    [root@agent ~]# puppet agent --test --ca_server=master.devops.org

After following the above steps, the website is deployed on agent node and can be accessed by using the agent ip address or dns name. It should open the deployed website as shown -

If there are any new commits made on git the website will be continuously refreshed with the changes.

Run Deployment Automation

We have automated the above deployment steps for hosting the course website on Amazon Cloud. Steps to run:

  1. Download puppetScripts folder from git repository.
  2. Go to the folder on your local machine.
  3. To install the required packages and configure AWS account run the following script: ./install.sh
  4. Run the following command to start the deployment on Amazon AWS:
    python deploy.py
    Note: There might be additional python packages not installed on your machine. Please make sure to install them if error prompts while running the deploy script.

  1. Deploying custom application using puppet
  2. Getting Started and Working with Puppet 4 On RHEL 7 and CentOS 7
  3. How to Create Puppet Manifests