Our UX Implementation
New UI Designs
For the first version, we want to clear up the web with a
organized UI. To acheive this, we first think about adding a
navigation bar that allows users to access all links anywhere
on the website. So after several discussions, we choose the
collapsible side bar for the following reason.
1. The nav bar only occupies a small area of screen, leaving
most space for contents.
2. Animations are cool.
Also, for a knowledge-based documentation web, background,
color and other styles should serve the content instead of
diverting attention from people. So after discussion and
template comparison, light background and darker font color
are applied. There is also other changes that serve a better
reading experience for user.
The cutover results(VERSION 1.O):
To achieve our UI design, we have created two templates to be included in the web pages: subhead.txt and navbar.txt. subhead.txt contains javascripts and stylesheets for our website and navbar.txt holds the codes for the side navigation bar.
When creating a new page, copy the following template into
your text editor:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!--include subhead.txt -->
<!--include googleAnalyticsScript.txt -->
<div class="wrapper">
<!--include navbar.txt -->
<div id="content">
Remember to give your page a new title and put it in <% YOUR TITLE HERE %>. Next, replace <% YOUR CONTENT HERE %> with your web page contents.
Menu Auto Generation
After the new UI is cut over, there is some new ideas come
up. Since we use the include to avoid duplicate implementat,
should we make a further steps for automatio?
So, professor and we talk about the possibility of generating
the navigration bar menu that included into the web
automatically so the new UI can be easily cut over to any
other websites by simply providing customized menu content.
After some discussion and test, we finally get this done
functionally. With our script, users only need to provide a
text file followed our sample input, a customized menu of
navbar can be provided automatically.
Here is the sample input:
0^Object-Oriented Programming^^OOP^
1^Course Topics^
2^Introductory Material^
3^The Basics^basics.html^
3^Abstraction Mechanisms^abstraction_mech.html^
3^Containers and Algorithms^containers_algo.html^
Introduction to the sample input:
As you can see, each line stands for an entry in the
navigation bar. ^ is the delimeter chosen to divide the
five fields which would be necessary in each entity
The first field, the number, stands for the
level. If larger number follows a smaller number, the item
with the larger number line should be the subtitle in
the item with smaller number line.
The second is the title field which would be
the display title of the entry.
The third filed is the URL field. Normally
it is the filename or relative path of the target page.
However if these menu is used in page files of different
hierarchy, we recommend to use full URL on your server to
ensure the menu's universality. Also entry with subtitles
should not have a URL.
The fourth field is the shortcut title which
would be the display title of the entry when the navigation
bar collapsed.
The fifth field is the glyphicon which
is the icon before the title.
If a field and its following fields are not necessary, all of
them and their delimiter can be dumped. But if a field is
empty, you cann't jump directly to its next one which is not
empty and must put a delimiter there. For example,
"1^Home^index.html^^glyphicon-home", it doesn't have a url
but need a glyphicon, there must be a field with nothing
between URL and glyphicon.
After the menu is provided following above sample, a
navigation bar text and all relative files would be created
automatically. It gonna rise a new web structure quickly and
save tons of time of duplicate work.
The script has been tested with the DevOps and OOPs files so
far and it works well, and we will keep improve it to cover
more corner cases and fault tolerance which give users better